Tuesday, 15 December 2020

தி.லி. 2002

ரெண்டாயிரத்தி ரெண்டுல தான் மோதம்மோதல சொந்த ஊர விட்டு திருநெல்வேலிக்கு போனோம். அப்பாக்கு வேல நிமித்தமா அங்கன  போனோம். ரெண்டாயிரத்தியேழு வர அங்கணத்தான். அப்பத்தான் சொந்த ஊர விட்டுட்டு வெளியூர்ல போயி இருந்தா எவ்வளோ சோகமாயிருக்கும்னு கண்டேன். ஓரோரு நாளும் திருநெல்வேலி பஸ் ஸ்டாண்டுக்கு சைக்கிள சமுட்டிப்போய் நாருல்க்கு போற பஸ்ஸயெல்லாம் பாத்துகிட்டு நிப்பேன். பாக்கும் போதே தொண்டய கட்டிரும். பஸ்ஸுல போறவனயெல்லாம் பாத்து இவங்கலாம் இன்னும் ஒன்னற மணிக்கூர்ல ஊருல இருப்பனுகலானு இருக்கும். வீட்டுல மட்டுப்பால நின்னு பாத்தா 40 கிலோமீட்டருக்கு அந்தால இருக்க வள்ளியுரு மல தெரியும். அத பாத்தாலே ஒரு சந்தோசம். அந்த மலைக்கு பொறக இருக்க மஹேந்திரகிரி மல மங்குனால தெரியும், அந்த மலய்க்க பொறத்த நம்ம ஊருல....! இப்படியே குதிச்சு பறந்து அங்கன பொயிட முடியாதானு இருக்கும். ஒரு நாளு அப்பாவை பஸ்ஸேத்தி விட்டுட்டு நன் பொறத்தாலயே 30 கிலோமீட்டரு சயிக்களுல போனேன் நாங்குநேரி வர. இதெல்லாம் நன் ஒம்போதாங்க்ளாஸ் படிக்கேல. 

அப்பறம் நாளு போக போக நெறய பயக்கமாரு செட்டு சேந்தானுங்க. சயிக்களுல திருநெல்வேலி முழுக்கா சுத்தி, தூத்துக்குடி, மதுர ஹைவேஸ்லலாம் சைக்கிள்ல போயி நாம ஒண்மைலயே பெரிய பயலாகிட்டோமுன்னு நெனச்ச காலொம் அது. ஊருக்க போறது கொஞ்சங் கொஞ்சமா கொறஞ்சது. இங்கனயே நெறய பயலுகக்  கூட அலஞ்சுட்டு கெடந்தேன், ஒனக்க ஊரு என்னத்தனு கேட்டனாக்கி திருநெல்வேலினு சொல்லிருக்கேன். அதுயாம்னா  தமிழ்நாட்டுல முக்காவாசி பயலுகளுக்கு கன்னியாரி எங்கன இருக்குனே தெரியாது. அது ஏதோ கேரளாக்கி மாதிரி நெனப்பு. மிச்ச பயலுக்கு இன்னிக்கு வர கன்னியாரி மாவட்டம் வேற, நாருல் மாவட்டம் வேற ஒன்னுன்னு நெனக்கானுங்க. இது என்னத்தயோ எழுதனுங்கிறதுக்காக சும்மா அடிச்சு வுடுகேனு நெனைக்காதைங்க. போதாதைக்கு நம்ம தமுழு வேற கொஞ்சோன் இழுத்து, மத்த ஊரு (மாவட்டம்) பயலுகளுக்கு தெரியாத சொல்லு இருக்குமா, சும்மா என்னத்த சொன்னாலும் "அண்ணே  நீங்க கேரளாவானு கேப்பானுக". யாம்ல அப்புடி கேக்குதனு கேட்டா இல்லனே  நீங்க பேசைல நெறய மலையாள வார்த்த வந்துச்சுண்ணே, ஒரு மலையாள வாட வீசுக்குண்ணேனு சொல்லுவானுக. "எல ப்ளந்தயா மலையாளத்துல இருந்து தமுழு வரலல, தமிழுல இருந்துதாம்ல மலையாளமே உண்டாச்சி . இன்னுஞ்சொல்லனுனா கொமரித்தமிழுல இருந்துதாம்ல மலையாளமே வந்துச்சு. அப்பொறோம் வாட எண்ணத்தியாதி அடிக்கின்னா ஒனக்க மூக்குல சளியாயிருக்கும். உள்ள உறிஞ்சிறாத பழுத்திரும். என்ன பண்ணுதெண்ணா ஒத்த மூக்க அடச்சி ஒத்த மூக்க சிந்து செரியாயிரும் , வரட்டானு" இவ்வளோ வெளக்கம் ஒவ்வொரு பயலுகிட்டயுஞ் சொல்ல முடியாது. கொஞ்ச நாளு சொல்லிப்பாத்தேன். அப்பறம் ஒவ்வொருத்தங்கிட்டயும் சொல்லி எந்தொண்ட தான் கிளிஞ்சது. போதாதகொறைக்கு கொஞ்ச நாளைக்கு முன்னாடி கடசியா பாலு குடிச்ச தெட்சணாமூர்த்தி தாத்தா வேற திருநெல்வேலிக்கு கொஞ்ச வருசம் முன்னாடி வந்தப்ப "திருநெல்வேலி எங்களுக்கு எல்ல, கொமரி எங்களுக்கு தொல்ல " அப்டினு சொன்னதால பாதிப்பய கன்னியாரி, நாருல் எல்லாம் கேரளாகோடது நெனச்சுட்டானுக. இவனுக கிட்ட நான் நாருல்க்க வடக்க 10கிலோமீட்டர்ல பூதபாண்டினு ஒரு ஊருல இருந்து வருகேன்னு சொன்னா நம்மள கேரளாக்காரன்னு ஒதுக்கி ஒதுக்கிவச்சுருவானுங்களோனு நெனச்சே "நானும் திருநெல்வேலிக்காரன் தாம்ல (விஷால் நானும் மதுரக்காரன்  தாண்டேனு சொல்லதுக்கு ஒரு 10 வருசத்துக்கு முன்னாடியே சொன்னவனாகும். யான் டயலாக்க தான் களவாண்டு அவன் படத்துல வச்சுருக்கான்  களவானிபயவுள்ள).


Sunday, 9 September 2018

To the Mystic mountains - H I M A L A Y A S (2)

Day 2  March 02, 2017

Having trodden through the crowded Ganges river banks at Haridwar, we departed for RISHIKESH at 09:00 am.


Sixteen kilometres North of Haridwar, on the foothills of the lower Himalayan range "SHIVALIKS", lies Rishikesh which is the gateway to the lower Himalayan range, SHIVALIKS. The one who goes with preconceived assumptions on Rishikesh to be very much like any other North Indian township will be disappointed and the one who goes with no expectations and assumptions will be awed by its mere presence. Or for some exceptional cases it might be both disappointing and awe at the same time.

I thought, as Haridwar is the end of the plains and up north of it starts the mountainous region, the demography of Rishikesh will be less, a tad smaller township with minimum development.
Yes in deed Rishikesh is located at a higher altitude when compared to that of Haridwar. But Rishikesh is far modern, clean, fresh, calm and serene than Haridwar in many aspects, despite a huge population of locals and tourists.

Rishikesh, a global attraction for its various schools of Yoga and Ayurvda, is quite aptly nicknamed as the "YOGA CAPITAL OF THE WORLD". Hence people from all over the world have been flocking Rishikesh throughout the years. We could almost see as many foreigners for every local guy. Many of them seemed to be staying there for months or years together.
There were one too many shops to purchase tees, pajamas, beeds, rudraksha, yoga materials and anything else one could expect in a mini world hub. Anand is visiting Rishikesh for the third time. Hence he is familiar with nook and corners of Rishikesh. He walked us towards the other bank of the Ganga through "LAKSHMAN JHULA".

There were many excellent multi cuisine restaurants which looked very simple and blended with its surrounding, situated along the banks of River Ganga.
Anand ordered an Israeli food whose name we could never pronounce in this life time along with a papaya squash. Excitingly both were of good taste and texture. If you wonder why am I elaborating about the food, it is because I was totally awe struck by the availability of an Israeli breakfast in the foothills of Himalayas and also a papaya squash which is a tropical fruit. One will fell they are at home when in Rishikesh - at least during food time.

Had we knew that it would be the last time until we return to the plains where we can have good food, we might have ordered more and filled us. For another five days we endured much hardships in search for good food except Chappathi, Roti and Chapathi again. The only alternative to Roti anywhere in those mountains was maggi noodles.
Now you could get a fair glimpse of understanding on why I still remember and elaborated on the food in Rishikesh.

Coming back on Rishikesh,

Rishikesh as a whole is dynamic, tranquil and vibrant. A profound sense of calm, nourishing, peace can be felt engulfing if you sit on the banks of River Ganga which here in Rishikesh is pristine, flows gracefully. The closest word to express the feel is in Tamil "இனம் புரியாத ஒரு ஆழ்ந்த அமைதி". I don't know if the placid, peacefully flowing crystal clear waters of River Ganga did influence my mind, emotions and soul. 

If allowed, I would have sat at the banks of the River for hours to allow myself to be embraced by the blissful  vibes at Rishikesh. 

But as we had other plans such as to reach Kedarnath the next day, we slowly accelerated out of Rishikesh. 

It has ever been calling me since.


Right at the foot of The(e) Adhi Guru (SHIVALIKS)
Lies the Abode of Yoga.

Enchanting and energizing it was 

To every Soul that arrives here.

Graceful as She ever is, Mother Ganga,

As She transcends the ones who sits beside her.

Is there anyone not embraced by the Grace of the Guru

Who devoted himself at His foot ?!

உன் திருக்கமல பொற்பாதம் பணிந்தோம் ஸர்வேஷா



En route  K E D A R N A T H

It was early March. We were aware that it was very much unlikely that the roads to Kedarnath were opened, as winter hadn't fully withdrawn. But the little thought of reaching Kedarnath gave us the much needed audacious courage to push forward and further up North. Is it not this one little thought of pushing further, the curiosity to explore what lies beyond, the basic tenet for the existence and exploration of Humans on Earth and beyond ?!. Carrying the fire lit by this very fundamental thought, which sufficiently kept up warm from inside, we drove through rough terrains, steep valleys, slippery mud paths, crunchy curves. Siva took the responsible role of a Captain to steer us through all these adrenaline pumping path to KEDARNATH.

Kedarnath is situated at a height of 3,583 m (11,755 ft) from MSL, around 250km North of Rishikesh. As the roads were very difficult to drive, we hardly sped over 30kmph. Easily one might become tired with continuous up-shift and down-shift of gear. Also I must remind you that these roads along Himalayan ranges are prone to landslides as the Himalayan region situated right above the fragile colliding boundary of INDIAN TECTONIC PLATE AND EURASIAN TECTONIC PLATE, is a hotspot of seismic activities that often causes earth quakes. Hence while driving, we must be of absolute vigil all through these roads.

PRAYAG is the sanskrit term used to connote the place where rituals and offerings (தர்ப்பணம்) are performed where two or more rives (or water bodies) confluence. On the way to Kedarnath from Rishikesh, one can see five such PRAYAGs which are holy and revered throughout ages on Indian culture and traditions. These five vibrant prayags are collectively called as "PANCH PRAYAG".


At around 75km from Rishikesh, the first prayag we arrived at was DEVPRAYAG, where the rivers ALAKNANDHA originating from SATOPANTH glacier and BHAGIRATHI originating from GANGOTRI glacier confluence to form the Holy river GANGA. It is from here and through the South, the river is called GANGA.

The arrival of Devprayag indicated the steep upward climbing of the Himalayan range. With every curve we turned, we rose up few metres above mean sea level. It would be a shame if I fail now to introduce you Sethu again and not forget to mention the animal that was sleeping inside him until we started climbing steeper. Yes, to even his own surprise, Sethu had a terrible "ALTITUDE SICKNESS". The flamboyant youngest lad amongst the five of us, who with his on-spot counters and ostentatious talks was engaging himself and us in this long journey until the hell inside him broke lose. The one, who was in a non-stop chatter mode from the very moment of the start of the trip from Delhi suddenly turned very much like the former Prime Minister of India Mr. Man Mohan singh, who hardly utters a word or at times talks feebly. I believe Director Manirathnam was inspired from this incident which made him cast R.J. Balaji, a non-stop chatter himself, in the completely contrasting role of Dr. Ilyaas Hussain, who hardly speaks n the film Kaatru Veliyidai.

For the next five days, Sethu hardly ate anything. Or even if he forced himself to push some food in through his throat to gain some strength to keep him warm, it all came out with equal and opposite force of reaction. Typical example of Newton's third law of motion. Like most pregnant women who are fond of mangoes, Sethu so suddenly became very fond and desperate on Lemons that he carried a few of them everywhere with him. I am not sure if he ever held the hands of his girlfriend so long in his hands like he held those lemons. He became so intimate with those lemons that he frequently smelled them, kissed them and bite them. It was as if he could not live one moment without those lucky lemons.

The Essence of Himalaya

   "Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the Universe"
                                                                                                                    ~ Anatole France

Leaving aside all those religious significances, Himalayas in itself is a natural wonder. The magnanimity of the Himalayan mountain system is very overwhelming that one who tries to grasp every bit and boulder of it into them will suffocate. How can one be expected to possibly withstand the two contrasting factors -" the steep valleys that sends chills down the spine and the tall, high and huge mountain range engulfing on all sides", simultaneously. One can easily feel trapped inside these contrasting figures. But then, let me remind you folks, it is "ebbs and flows" that make life interesting and lively.

Being an Environmental Science graduate, having huge curiosity towards knowing the formation of the Earth and Cosmos around, I have read a lot many books on the geological structure of Earth and especially on the formation of the Himalayas and every time it feels fascinating and the curiosity grows even more.

Despite having studied extensively on the river system, the Himalayan fold mountain system, the soil structure, natural vegetation, cropping pattern, to see and feel them real for the first time excites me even more.

I would happily be suffocated with awe and wonder the Himalayan mountains rather be loitering n the ordinary plains. The more it suffocated me, I wished for much more. There are two ways to attain "ONENESS". One is to dissolve us with the existence around. The other is to allow ourselves to grasp more and more of the existence into us. While at Himalayas, I tried the later, allowing the Himalayas into me, to let me be filled with it in every cell of mine, thereby the "I" be replaced by "HIMALAYAS" to become ONE with it.
You could easily go around the Himalayas, just seeing it through your eyes, enjoying the nature and wild around. But that is not the actual point. Right from Haridwar a different sense of Vibrant atmosphere can be felt around which gets intense and intense as we move upwards. While the feel of those vibes vary from place to place, for example the vibes in Rishikesh varies from that of Haridwar, one can never be gone untouched. Seems like the whole Himalayan mountain system especially the stretch from Haridwar to Kedarnath is a Consecrated one. I believe, the Hymns of Vedas that has been recited around here over thousand of years have a deep influence on the elements of life to make them reverberate intense vibes.


As I watched through all these elements of nature around us, thinking about its vibes, we reached Rudraprayag. This is the second of the five Prayags  (Panch Prayag) from Rishikesh to Kedarnath. Rudraprayag is where River Alaknandha and River Mandakini, originating from Chorabari glacier near Kedarnath, confluence. It was around 7 in the evening and we have started searching for a good place to stay for the night and to eat.


33 kilometres and an hour later from Rudraprayag, we reached Karnaprayag, the third in line of the Panch Prayag. Here River Alaknandha confluences with Rivewr Pindar originating from Pindari glacier. We booked room for our night stay at Shri Krishna Palace which is situated right at the banks where the rivers Alaknandha and Pindar confluence. After Rishikesh, this is the only place where we got good food. The hotel was of acceptable standards. But more than all comforts what fascinated us was the sound of rivers running just five metres out of our room. Literally we could jump off our beds straight into the river.

The night in the Wilderness

Oh what a feel it was !, "to imagine all alone in this cold dark night, striding on the banks of a Himalayan river that burbles while trickling down through those rumbling boulders, originating from a permafrost glacier way up North in Upper Himalayas, the clear dark sky where stars twinkle more brighter, the gentle whistles of those leaves and trees that dances with the flow of cold winds from the mountains around".

With this soothing feel that mesmerized us, we fell asleep in to the Wild !

Shavin Earthy

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

To the Mystic Mountains - H I M A L A Y A S (1)

While I stumble with words these days due to ridiculous distractions, restlessness and lack of consistency, I so desperately wish to narrate or at least try to summarize a little bit of one of the most wonderful trip we made at the same time last year - To the HIMALAYAS.

Although travelling has been a part of my life ever since childhood days and have traveled almost every part of Tamil Nadu and around England during my stay there, I had never dared to step into North India due to various reasons, one being language issues, North India is comparatively hotter and crowded (over populated) than South India. So I never had made any travel/visits around North India, although the idea of hiking the Himalayan mountains have been there in my mind for long time.

And eventually everything fell into place and we started our one week trip on March 1 - much of the credits to my friend Anand who is a badass tourer/seeker/traveler who had already counted, cross-checked and inspected every mile of the Indian roads in his car. He along with him brought 3 other friends Siva, Manoj and Sethu.

Before start narrating the spectacular trip I should gracefully give a brief note on my above mentioned friends.

As the world knows, Anand, Manoj, Siva and Sethu are exceptional professional flamboyant photographers who shoot one and everything around them with so much creativity, artistically and passionately. Although I knew Anand for nearly an year I had not met him in person till March 1. And the others Manoj, Siva and Sethu - I was not even aware of their existence until March 1.


I got to know Anand ever since I was looking for wedding photographers on behalf of my cousin for her marriage. I have no idea on how we made a friendship, but somehow it clicked ! Probably because both of us are psychopaths in our own way. So we know each other and on that trust and rationale and the love for traveling ever through the life unbounded and bonded by any chains/ clutches we made this plan to travel to the HIMALAYAS.

Siva Raj

Siva appears to be tougher physically but is a child from inside. A good friend and much gentle. It was nice to spend more time with him who showed me different skills of photography which I was not even aware of.

Manoj Sasidharan

Manoj the young and smart looking guy is more tough than what we could see through our eyes. I don't have any idea on what his brain is made of when I glanced through his "Trippy - Trace" creative photographic and illusionist skills.

And finally here comes his Highness SETHU Udhaya Prakash!

Sethu the hot-throb to many girls around. But in reality the other way around to us. He being the youngest and probably made less travel than any of us was quite excited at the beginning not knowing what the coming days would offer him.

To be honest without Sethu and Manoj the 7 days trip would have been a much more silent one because none of the three of us Anand, Siva and Myself could crack as many jokes and counters as Manoj and Sethu could do. They sync pretty much and are the best pair, more like love lifes hitched together.

It would be a serious disgrace if I fail to mention one of the most humble and down to the earth person I have seen in recent years and the same thought prevailed in the minds of the other 4 of us.
It is Parthiban Nagarajan.

I never actually knew such persons do exist in this planet. None of us knew Parthiban in person until the night of March 1, 2017. When we rented a car from Delhi and started our journey Manoj made an enquiry about the routes and places to visit in a Himalayan Trekking group in Facebook, Parthiban who himself is an avid traveler came to our aid. As he himself was there in Delhi at that time, he personally came forward to meet us and explain about the routes and nitty-gritty of the places. Parthiban was so much helping and although there was not necessary for him to do such things, He made himself available. We and personally I was in so much shock an disbelief, because in this machine like monetary world, I haven't seen in ages of one such person who did so much with no expectation. As I know of me, even I wouldn't do as much as Parthiban did. A true soul and a nice friend to have since then.

The Start

Finally after sorting out everything, we started our Journey to the Himalayas around 9 pm from Delhi. We were sure of making it to the HIMALAYAN RANGES, but actually had no specific destination on our minds. So we thought we could plan the places to visit along the way and just let the car we rented on the first road we encountered -   The road to HARIDWAR !

The moment I came to know that we are on our way to HARIDWAR, I was super excited - quite natural for anyone and especially for the one who is in someway attracted towards the Spiritual path. Haridwar being a holy land, has indefinite connections with religious ceremonies and a celebrated land for more than 4000 years for its importance in Hindu religion. Geographical importance of Haridwar is, it is at this place the holy river "GANGA" enters the Northern plains of India from hilly terrain of the Himalayas. So in another way, Haridwar is the gateway to the Himalayas from the plains.

After passing through the undulating roads of Uttar Pradesh, We reached Haridwar around 4 am in the morning of March 2, 2017. People say that "some of the best moments in life takes place silently and calmly and there would be no dramatic sequences when such loving moments happen". It was the case for me when I saw the holy "Ganga". Ever since entering the schools, we have been continuously taught of Ganga about its importance, magnanimity etc. Even before that, we have been given introduction about the Ganga along with the mystical narrations of Lord SHIVA. So ever since child days an image so strong and intense about River Ganga was imprinted in our minds. Adding to that the recent rise of the television and documentary channels has even more exaggerated the image of Ganga. And then suddenly when we entered Haridwar, I saw a river running along the road and I was just looking at t without even realizing what it was. It took me some moment to even realize that what I have been looking at was the sacred river GANGA of who I have always heard and read a lot more in my life. The moment I realized her as the ever holy GANGA, with no forced attempt, I naturally bowed down to her. I don't know if She has any holy powers, I don't know if She is sacred. But for the very aspect that She comes from the mystic Himalayan mountains where the Adhi Yogi - SHIVA wandered around made me to bow down to her. For the rational minds, I and everyone else can bow down to her for her generosity of feeding millions of people all through the year and all through the millennia and without her the very existence of the much of the Indian population is a question.

Day 2 - March 02, 2017

As we reached Haridwar at around 4 am in the morning after a 7 hours travel, we took a short nap. Then early in the morning at 6 am, we set for a walk along the banks of  Ganga. The Sun has just started peeping through the horizon and lightening up the dark sky. Winter was not over yet and it was very cold in the morning. The heat rays from the Sun was felt as a blessing from the Almighty himself by one and all around us.

Haridwar in one simple word is "magnificent". Ganga here looked calm and turbulent at the same time which precisely reminds of the ultimate Stillness and the Rudra Thandavam (Cosmic dance)
Many people here at Haridwar took holy dips in a belief to wash off their sins and become pure. Many performed holy rituals which has its roots in the Aryan/Brahminic traditions. My photographer friends never missed an opportunity and shuddered the silence of Haridwar with the shutter sounds of their cameras and exploited their skills. I didn't even carry a mobile with me because I wanted this trip to be of complete Silence, without any calls and interventions from my world.

After wandering around the narrow streets of Haridwar, we sat at the banks of Ganga, watched at her swiftness and listened to the sounds of the rippling waves of her. She was so pure and tender as She was not yet polluted by the mortals of the plains.

From the snow peaks of the mystic HIMALAYAN Mountains - She "the sacred Ganga" has just arrived.

For some She is just a river - a source of water,
For some She is a life source,
For some She is holy and sacred,
For some She is a way to get dissolved into Oneness !

Thus She has arrived onto the mortal lands to grant the wishes of all those on what they wished for - Her holy Mother Ganga !


Next stop RISHIKESH !

To be continued.,

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

என்னுடன் நீ - முதல் கனவு

முதல் முறை நீ என் கனவில் வந்தாய் !
முதல் பயணம் - முதல் ஸ்பரிசம்
முழுதும் காதல் உன் கண்களில் !

முதல் கனவு - என்னோடு சேர்ந்து
நீயும் நானும் !

கனவில் நீ வந்ததே ஓர் கவிதைபோல் ஆன பின்,
அதை நான் கவி எழுத முற்படுவதெதற்கு ?! - விட்டுவிட்டேன்.

மறுமுறை என் கனவை கவிதையாக்க வருவாயா ?
நிஜத்தில் என்னோடு நீ வரமுடியாமல் போனதனால்.

அவள் அவன்
Tum tak :)

Friday, 26 May 2017

மணப்பெண் மனதோடு..!

வண்ணக் கோர்வையென வாழ்ந்தேனடி,
இன்றுநன் மணக்கோலம் பூண்டேனடி.

வண்ண வாழ்வனைத்தும் மணவாழ்வதனிலும் தொடருமோ
இல்லறச் சுமையதனால் இருள்மேகம் கவிந்திடுமோ ?!

எவ்வாழ்வதனை இவ்வாழ்வெனக் கருளும்
எனப் பார்த்திட என்னோடு சேர்ந்து வாராயோ கண்ணம்மா ?

புதுவாழ்வதன் பக்கம் என்னதான் பூட்டி வைத்திருக்கிறதென
திறந்தெட்டிப் பார்த்திடுவோமே என் செல்லம்மா !!

மணவாழ்வு அதை எண்ணித் துணிகையில்,
"ஆர்பரிப்பும் அவஸ்தையும்" எனை ஒருசேர ஆட்கொள்ளுதடி.

எதிர்பார்புகளோ என் நெஞ்சுக்குழி யதனில்
வார்த்தையில்லா பல்வகை உணர்ச்சிகளைச் சுழற்றுகிறதடி.

ஓர்நாளில் ஓர்நொடியில் என் வாழ்வனைத்தும்
தலைகீழ் மாறிடுமென கணப்பொழுதும் எண்ணிலேனடி !

இனி, இதுவென் வாழ்வென்று உள்ளுணர்ந்த பின்
தீர்க்கமாய் உவகை பூத்தேனடி பொன்னம்மா.

என்னவர் வீட்டில் நான் புகுந்த மறுநொடி
என்னகத்தில் அவர் வீடும் குடும்பமும் நிறைந்ததடி.

என் வீடு என் சொந்தம் என நினைத்தரவணைத்தப் பொழுதே
மனத்திலொரு ஒளிச்சாளரம் திறந்ததடி  !!

Sunday, 8 January 2017

That's SHE

That's SHE !!

Who is She ?
She is just an addictive dope.

Who is She ?
She is just a seductive drug.

Who is She ?
She is just an exhibit.

Who is She ?
She is just a marketing tool.

Who is She ?
She is just a thing ought to be under the hands of few men (retards).

Who is She ?
She is just something to exploit.

Who is She ?
She is just a fleshy toy which few men (retards) scan and experiment.

Who is She ?
She is just a body that bleeds periodically.

Who is She ?
She is just a sex content and Taboo at times.

Who is She ?
She is just some other thing.

Who is She ?
She is just... Oh just leave "IT".

Who is She ?
She is just... I don't even know !!

Who is She ?
F**K... WHO CARES ?!

Our MOTHER          Our SISTER
Our NIECE                Our FRIEND

That's SHE

Friday, 2 December 2016


அதனினுஞ் சுக முன்டோ இவ்வாழ்வு தனில்.
நில்லாமல் எனையும் உனையும் மாந்தரனைவரையும்
வாழ வளர வைக்கும் ஒரே சூட்சுமம் அது.

மழையினில் நனைந்தே,
மலைகள் கடந்தேன்.
நெடு வெளிகள் நடந்தே,
உலகின் திசை எட்டுஞ் சென்றேன்.
சுற்றும் புவிதனை நானுஞ் சுற்றித் திரிந்தேன்,
தேடல் எனும் அணையாச் சுடர் தனை
நெஞ்சில் எரிய வைத்து !

என் தேடல் எதுவென்று
யாமறிந்தோம் காண்.
அதைத் தாமறிய விளையுமுன்
உம் அகத்தினைக் கேளீர்
உமது தேடல் எதுவென்று நீர் அறிந்திடவே !!

என் தேடல் நீயன்றோ ஷக்தி.

Tum Tak :)