Sunday, 7 July 2013

The Alpha of La Push

Whenever You're left alone,
At first You may be frustrated and howl like a fox.
But then remember to mute Yourself.
Get hold of the SILENCE in You !!
The Silence that will keep You unique and aware
And allows You to keep every step forward on the deserts of Life,
Where You feel the dryness everywhere in the dunes - except on Your eyes.
For, those are filled with tears of memories and pain.
But then believe in the good deeds
And stretch out Your legs, keep one step each time .
For, with every step, You're moving towards the end of the desert.
Slowly You'll turn out into a pack of wolves
And no more You are a howling fox in a desert
But Your an Alpha of "La Push" now,
Who is gonna risk his entire life in safe guarding his loved Ones

Friday, 5 July 2013

Don't You feel guilt , Radhe's Krishna ?! .

Just Wondering how Krishna was able to enjoy a life of joy and fun with all around him, without having any guilt for leaving the Holy Sacred Radhe behind , at his 16th age.It is understandable that their separation was inevitable . Even many and almost all of us encounter / come across such a situation in our life, and is acceptable though . 

But then , how could only He be possibly lived a life with much exuberance and entertainment. Had He a chance to drink “The Elixir Of Life ?” .

If He comes down and teach us the technique it will be much appreciable !

But , if we live a life like that of Krishna , sure we’ll be condemned as pervert , cunning , cheater , looter , thief , mischief and so on.  Is there any Krishna alive out there ? . 
We know there are many perverts , cheaters , crooked and also good friends and kind hearts and socialistic people present around here.
But  to see anyone with the complete qualities of living to the fullest as Krishna was , is quite impossible.

But then, Krishna is remembered for his friendship , his love on all , his respect , manners , wisdom , helping nature , especially on Panchali’s case . (Hmmm , sure there are many Panchalis in need of KRISHNA’s help. But the ratio of living Krishnas is very mere).

And then , Radhe is more holy here , living all her life in Sacred devotion for the one whom She could never meet again , all in her life .

FYI: “ While leaving Radhe at 16 , Krishna gave his Flute to Radhe . He never ever touched a flute again in his life . All his mesmerizing , soul sweeping “swaras and ganaas” (musics) from his flute were only for His Radhe.
In all paintings of Krishna , he will be seen with flute in hands , only if Radhe is with him in the painting  (or in paintings of Young Krishna when he was in Gokulam ). Nowhere else can he be seen with a flute.

“Long live Radhe Krishna – The Eternal Lovers of the Universe “