Friday, 5 July 2013

Don't You feel guilt , Radhe's Krishna ?! .

Just Wondering how Krishna was able to enjoy a life of joy and fun with all around him, without having any guilt for leaving the Holy Sacred Radhe behind , at his 16th age.It is understandable that their separation was inevitable . Even many and almost all of us encounter / come across such a situation in our life, and is acceptable though . 

But then , how could only He be possibly lived a life with much exuberance and entertainment. Had He a chance to drink “The Elixir Of Life ?” .

If He comes down and teach us the technique it will be much appreciable !

But , if we live a life like that of Krishna , sure we’ll be condemned as pervert , cunning , cheater , looter , thief , mischief and so on.  Is there any Krishna alive out there ? . 
We know there are many perverts , cheaters , crooked and also good friends and kind hearts and socialistic people present around here.
But  to see anyone with the complete qualities of living to the fullest as Krishna was , is quite impossible.

But then, Krishna is remembered for his friendship , his love on all , his respect , manners , wisdom , helping nature , especially on Panchali’s case . (Hmmm , sure there are many Panchalis in need of KRISHNA’s help. But the ratio of living Krishnas is very mere).

And then , Radhe is more holy here , living all her life in Sacred devotion for the one whom She could never meet again , all in her life .

FYI: “ While leaving Radhe at 16 , Krishna gave his Flute to Radhe . He never ever touched a flute again in his life . All his mesmerizing , soul sweeping “swaras and ganaas” (musics) from his flute were only for His Radhe.
In all paintings of Krishna , he will be seen with flute in hands , only if Radhe is with him in the painting  (or in paintings of Young Krishna when he was in Gokulam ). Nowhere else can he be seen with a flute.

“Long live Radhe Krishna – The Eternal Lovers of the Universe “ 


  1. A much deeper understanding and exploration is must to understand Krishna himself. Then comes the question of being Krishna...probably the writer here becomes a lover of Radhe!!!

    1. bro ;)
      Krishna in Bhagavath Geetha says to Arjuna na,

      "mannanum nane , makkalum nane , maram chedi kodigalum naane " "kolbavan naane , kolla paduvathum nane" like dat , k i undrstnd d concept ~ even Radhe is Krishna bt still wen v think and giv priority to ourself and stuck with emotions and sentiments the Ego arise . I wish to be like Kaliappan anna - cha wow sema he s d one whom i c with 100 % blif in God , no fear fr him - he blivs in God and dats it - what ever hapns - its God'd decision fr him and he accepts . i wonder hw can i b such , with out any doubts.
